The Status Quo

Historically, wealth has been linked to entitlement and destructive behavior. Many families are paralyzed by fear. Others crave a methodology to enhance their existing loving relationships. Both lack awareness that an alternative result is possible.

The professional disciplines that advise these families have lacked a philosophy and methodology to address the core issues. In fact, the planning experience for many families has been hollow and unfulfilling. In an attempt to protect family wealth from intruders and family members from the presumed negative impact of wealth, families and their advisors have resorted to restriction, isolation, secrecy and control.

The Journey to Thriving

Our guiding principles are founded in the ancient wisdom that humans are meant to know their purpose, and to apply their purpose to a life’s work. 

We help families define what they need to flourish, and then offer methodologies to address numerous elements, such as…

  1. Learning the family’s core strengths and challenges.
  2. Facilitating communication, leadership, learning and growth among all generations of the family.
  3. Mentoring family members to trust and rely on each other.
  4. Guiding the family to discover consensus for their purpose as a family.
  5. Documenting their vision and commitments to each other.
  6. Facilitating the active integration of their purpose, behaviors and decision making to ensure alignment with the use of their financial and other resources. 
  7. Helping families explore issues and opportunities surrounding financial and other resources to ensure their wealth is an active tool for optimizing and deploying their documented vision.
  8. Continually using the family’s vision and the family’s resources, each as a lens to assess alignment with the other.
  9. Helping the family celebrate its history by ensuring each generation’s story and life lessons are remembered and preserved.

We celebrate collaboration within a family’s advisory team. We strive always to be clear and genuine regarding both our own strengths and abilities, and the need to invite others to the table to achieve the family’s desired outcomes.